Most of the time, houseplants do have a hard time to endure in the winter. Just like your little one needs some extra care in the winter, your plants also need some good care and attention. There are many factors that may cause your plants to get stressed out. Factors including change of the temperature, cold air, and shorter days. All these aspects can be problematic for your plants to flourish.
The important thing that you have to keep in mind before starting the winter care schedule is, variant species need different care. There are multiple useful things that you should know to take care of your plant in the winter.

5 Tips to take care of your plants in winter
- Balance your watering pattern: Throughout the winter season, in the majority of cases plants do need water as much water to live. In winter, plants do not grow as much as summer. Hence, the plants need less water than usual. Just like in cold months you don't feel like to shower every morning, also your plants do not feel like to drink everyday as well. Over water in the cold months can be dangerous for your plants. Dig your fingertips 2 inches under the soil, if you feel the dryness, only then water your plants, otherwise don't. Do not use cold water, use lukewarm water, it will keep your plants warm.
- Maintain the temperature: Changing of the temperature can be very problematic for your plants. Different plant species prefer different temperatures. Most of the house plants came from the tropical areas, they need temperatures between 55-75 fahrenheit. Do a little research on what particular level your plant needs.
- Sunlight: In winter, your plants need plenty of sunlight to stay alive. Locate your plants in a south or west facing bright corners, where it can get enough bright light. Also remember to not open the window or to put them too close to the window, they might get chilly because of drafts or breezes.
- Increase the humidity level: Plants need a good humidity level to grow. Low humidity level is a big issue in the winter season for the plants. Use a humidifier in close ro plants. Also if you do not have a humidifier in your house and have many plants, in that case keep your plants all together in the kitchen or bathrooms, where it can get enough moisture.
- Try to avoid feeding: The same as the watering routine, your plants do not need fertilizer in the winter because plants usually do not grow that much in those months. Besides, feeding in the cold months can develop many plant problems such as yellow and brown leaves and even you may lose your plant.

Apart from all these things, also remember to clean your plant’s leaves in between two weeks, because uncleaned leaves may restrict the capacity of absorbing the sunlight. Besides, plants are sensitive in the winter, therefore do not re-pot in the winter unless it is necessary. Plants may get winter pests as well, so you have to watch out on that. You can take some measures like spraying them with neem water often, which can prevent your plant from getting pests.
Utilizing all these tips can keep your plants healthy and happy at the same time in the winter.